Who has to register under Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishment Act, 1961.
Entrepreneurs owning shops and commercial establishments in the State of Karnataka have to compulsorily register with Department of Labour, Government of Karnataka as per the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishment Act, 1961.
- A Shop includes offices, storerooms, go downs, or warehouses, whether in the same premises or otherwise, used in connection with trade or business
- A Commercial Establishment shall mean a commercial or trading or banking or insurance establishment, an establishment or administrative service in which persons employed are mainly engaged in office work, a hotel, restaurant, boarding or eating house, a café or any other refreshment house, a theatre or any other place of public amusement or entertainment
- A factory or a shop/establishment attached to a factory are covered under Factories Act and hence no registration under shops act is required to be done.
- All types of shops/establishments including a private limited company, limited liability partnership, partnership firm or proprietary concern have to register under this Act
The main objective of the act is to regulate the working and employment conditions such as working hours, rest intervals, overtime, holidays, termination of service, etc., of workers in shops and establishments.
Registration to be done within 30 days from the date of commencement of business. A registration certificate is valid for 5 years and shall be renewed thereafter. Application for registration to be filed online and the fee payable depends upon the number of employees hired by the establishment. Even if there is no employee, the entity has to get registered under this act.
One has to submit the application along with the fee and scanned documents online in www.e-karmika.com portal. Within 15 days of successful submission of the document, the department approves the registration. The registration certificate is to be downloaded from the portal.
The documents for registration under Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishment Act:
The basic documents required for registration are-
- Address and identity proof, PAN card copy of proprietor, partners or directors
- PAN card copy of the entity
- Address proof of the entity (rental agreement or tax paid receipt)
- Registration documents such as partnership deed or MoA of the company
- Declaration under non-appointment of child labour
Amendment, Renewal and Annual Return
- In case of change in the address, status, partners/directors intimate to the department within 30 days of such change, through filing an online application.
- The fee for registration depends on the number of employees hired by the entity. As and when there is an increase in the headcount, pay additional fee through filing an online application
- Annual return to be filed online in Form U on or before 31st January of the subsequent year.
[…] have written an article Its all about registration under Karnataka Shops and Establishment Act about the requirement for registration under Shops and Establishment Act of Karnataka. In this […]