How are you? I know you are not doing well. You are suffering from ‘Foot and Mouth’ disease. I have also observed that the Government is not taking any relief actions for your problem.
If you could speak like human beings, by now your voice would have been heard. If you were speaking, you could have protested in front of Vidhana Soudha or in front of Chief Minister’s Office. Poor Cow, you don’t have voice and so you can’t be heard, sorry!
You are backed by a strong section of the society and they call you as ‘Punyakoti’. However, in the recent past they have become ‘selfish and toothless’. They are scared; if they utter the word ‘Cow’ they may be branded as ‘Communal’
See those doctors, they protest for not getting hike in their salary. They stop working. Image a situation where the helpless patients are admitted in the hospital and they are amidst the treatment, one fine [bad] morning, the doctors stop working! This act of doctors is totally inhuman and cruel. Elsewhere in the world, the action against these doctors also would have been ‘inhuman and cruel’, but in this holy country, all of these people go scot free. So, the drama continues. Poor Cow, why can’t you do Doctors? Stop giving milk for a couple of days, all these human beings will run and solve your problems. I know, you can’t do that because you are not human, thus can’t be cruel and inhuman!
Oh Narendra, please come. Good that you have come. See this cow; it is suffering from Foot and Mouth disease. Have you read in the newspaper that over 5400 cows are dead from this disease in the last 2 months in Karnataka?
I understood that Foot and Mouth disease is a severe, highly communicable disease of cattle. The disease is characterized by blister-like lesions on the tongue, nose and lips, in the mouth and between the toes which then burst, leaving painful ulcers. The blisters cause a heavy flow of sticky, foamy saliva that hangs from the mouth. Infected animals sway from one foot to the other due to the tenderness of the feet. Although older cattle usually do not die from the infection, they suffer a severe illness which leaves them in a weakened state. They have high fevers, stop eating, give less milk and become lame and finally die.
It really pains when we hear about the death of cows. Cow is considered as sacred by various world religions, such as Hinduism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism and others. In our country, we worship cows. We call cow as ‘Go Maatha’
Mahatma Gandhi once said: “I worship it and I shall defend its worship against the whole world,” and “The central fact of Hinduism is cow protection. Mr. Gandhi regardedher better than the earthly mother and called her “the mother to millions of Indian mankind.”
We worship cows on many occasions and especially during diwali festival on Govatsa Dwadashi, cow along with her calf are worshiped. In Karnataka it is called Gov Pooje and performed on Balipadyami day.
Narendra, let me take two more minutes of your time. I have gathered some data about cows [cattle] in India.
- World’s cattle population as on 2009 was 1.30 billion
- India ranks # 1 in cattle population with 28 Crores cows, followed by Brazil 18 crores and China 13 Crores.
- Israel produces over 11000 ltrs of milk per year per cow and it is less than 1150 Ltrs per cow per year in India.
Narendra, sorry I have taken a lot of time of yours. Today happens to be Govatsa Dwadashi and on this auspicious day, let’s remember holy cow. As urbanites, we can’t do much, but atleast pray for the wellbeing of this scared animal. As a small contribution from my side, I will send out this information in today’s Morning Post.