Thought for the day
Anger | when we raise our voice, we tend to lose control on our tongue. Let’s stay cool
Professional Etiquette+
Office | When you leave office; look around and check whether you have locked table drawer, switched off computer, lights, fans, taken laptop, vanity bag or wallet, pen, cell phone, lunch box.
I have observed many of them will come back from the security gate to take their bags or phones or wallets!.
Plus Point
“Modi has a strong predilection for crony capitalism” – Rahul Gandhi
“Congress is practicing ‘Pseudo-Secularism” – Narendra Modi
What is Crony Capitalism means?
Governments favor one set of business owners who have close ties to PM/CM/Ministers/Govt, over others. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, etc. Congress claims that Mr. Modi is favoring certain business houses such as Adani’s, Ambani’s etc.
What is Pseudo-Secularism means?
Secularism means equal treatment of all religions by the Government.
Pseudo Secularism refers to a secular policy to appease one section of the society such as ‘minority appeasement’ by Congress party. The term implies that those who claim to be secular are actually not so, but anti-hindu or pro-minority.