My mail box is full of communication from Income Tax department. Of course, it is my profession, so I get the mails sent by the department to our clients. Believe me, reading and understanding the ‘intimations’ is a big task. Look at the following types of letters you may get …
Read More »Did you receive communication on Arrear Demand Notice u/s 245 from Income Tax Department?
Have you got a Notice/Intimation under Section (u/s) 245 of Income Tax Act 1961 from Income Tax department? Even after paying 30% of your income as taxes to the government, they are still sending notices. It’s frustrating isn’t it? But, what can be done sir? When a notice is received, …
Read More »Have you checked your Outstanding Income Tax Demand appearing in e-Filing portal?
Recently one of my friends was shocked to see outstanding income tax demand appearing in e-Filing portal of the income tax department, though according to him, entire tax dues are paid. ‘Oh Mind, Relax please!’ is the title of a book written by Swami Sukhabodhananda. If you are an …
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